The Official Website of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Bunyoro – Kitara Kingdom

Christmas Messages 25 December 2024

From the Office of the Abuna, Catholicos, and Patriarch of the Patriarchate of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom,

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen.

Beloved in Christ, 

Today, heaven and earth are united. The Creator of all becomes part of His creation, and eternity enters time. The Word of God, who spoke the universe into existence, now lies in a humble manger, wrapped in swaddling clothes. This great mystery—the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ—fills our hearts with awe and gratitude, for through His birth, the gates of Paradise are reopened to us. 

As we behold the newborn Christ in the cave of Bethlehem, let us consider the profound humility of this event. The King of Glory, who dwells in unapproachable light, chose to be born in poverty and obscurity. He did not come with power or might but as a helpless infant, attended by shepherds and adored by wise men. His throne is a manger, His companions are animals, and His first visitors are the lowly. In this, He teaches us humility and love. 

The angels proclaimed to the shepherds: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” This peace is not simply the absence of conflict but the restoration of humanity’s relationship with God. By taking on our flesh, Christ heals the breach caused by sin and draws us back to the Father. He becomes Emmanuel, “God with us,” and His presence transforms our lives. 

The Incarnation reveals the immeasurable love of God. St. John Chrysostom marvels, saying: “God became man so that man might become God.” Christ assumes our nature to lift us up to partake in His divine life. This is the heart of the Gospel and the joy of this feast: that the eternal Son of God comes to save, redeem, and dwell among us. 

Let us, therefore, approach the manger with reverence and thanksgiving. Like the shepherds, let us offer our simple hearts; like the wise men, let us lay before Him the treasures of our faith and devotion. And as we contemplate this great mystery, may we be inspired to live lives of humility, generosity, and love, following the example of the Christ Child. 

Today, the heavens rejoice, and the earth is glad. Christ is born—let us glorify Him! 

Amen and Amen

As the season of Christmas surrounds us with its light, may it fill your hearts with compassion, kindness, and unity.

To the esteemed Royal Family of Kingdom Bunyoro-Kitara, we extend our heartfelt wishes for peace and blessings as you continue to guide us with wisdom and grace. 

To the cherished Banyoro people, as the light of Christmas shines upon the Kingdom, may it inspire us to sow seeds of kindness, nurture peace, and foster unity in every corner of our lives. May the New Year bring renewed hope and boundless prosperity to the Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom and its people. 

To the Representatives of this esteemed Association, may this sacred time remind us all of the power of love, the strength in togetherness, and the beauty of giving selflessly to one another. Let us draw upon the values of our shared humanity, reaching out to the less fortunate, comforting the weary, and uplifting the vulnerable among us. 

With warmest regards, 
Your unworthy servant,

+Cherubim Abu-Seifein Akiiki 

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