Today is Great and Holy Thursday, in the Byzantine Rite: This ovoid sphere Earth is over four and a half billion years old, by the way we track time. Human beings derive from primates and share one or more common ancestors with great apes including chimpanzees and gorillas. Sanitary […]
Today is Great and Holy Wednesday, in the Byzantine Rite: Is it a heavier burden to stay a path of righteousness, and to be ready and able in any hour to answer God for all our deeds and all our words and thoughts, and for the content of our […]
Today is Great and Holy Tuesday in the Byzantine Rite: Jesus taught a parable about ten virgin brides purchased for a lord. They waited together at the place appointed for their wedding, to all meet their groom together. The groom is delayed in his travel, and doesn’t arrive until […]
Today is Great and Holy Monday in the Byzantine Rite. On their way to Jerusalem for Passover, Jesus and His disciples encounter a fig tree. The Lord goes to it to gather them a snack, but the tree bears no fruit. He curses the tree. The Royal Entrance we […]
Palm Sunday, in the Byzantine Rite – Still at work making the fulfillment of prophecies of the Christ evident to all witting and willing to see, Jesus sends two of His disciples ahead from the Mount of Olives to fetch Him a ride: specifically a colt, the foal of […]