Troparion 4 Holy Raphael, Archangel at the throne God, Holy Physician and healer of All, pray for us in our earthly struggles, Bless us with your healing light, this, and all of our days. Reading from the Book of Tobit Then Tobit said to him, ‘Brother, of what family […]
“And You, O God whom I do not know: Let me know You!” was the prayer of an infidel robber, fornicator, murderer and drunkard; let it be our prayer also, for to the robber were given the Divine graces of discipline and repentance. By seeking the mysteries of Esidorous […]
Concerning Hades. The Apostles Creed, an innovation of the Western Church dating from the ninth century and remaining in popular usage even presently, includes a clause regarding Christ’s passion, that He “descended into Hell”. Consequently a great deal of medieval lore surrounds the subject of the “Harrowing of Hell” […]
Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is risen; He is risen indeed! Christos Anesti; Alithos Anesti! This, too, came to pass as foretold; Christ said in Galilee that the Son of Man must be given to sinners for them to beat, crucify, and kill, and […]
Christ died so that we may live; God became man so that man could become God. Since the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem, Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin have intended His death and disgrace. Their fear was that if the way of Our Lord came to be known as […]