Troparion 4 Blessed Theotokos chosen and annointed, presented for serviceto God by the Faithful Anne and Joachim, pray for us that wemay have you steadfast faith as we prepare our hearts forChrist. Reading from the Book of Hebrews Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divineservice, and […]
Troparion 2 Lord, Pantocrator, Teacher and Master of the Way of the Heart, pray for us your humble students, in sharing your infinite wisdom with us, we may be blessed and share your teachings with the world. Reading of Deuteronomy And you shall put these, my words, on your […]
Troparion Tone 8 We remember today all those who came before us, those who paved the road of faith to follow toward the light of Christ. Let us follow the path of Apostles, Saints, Martyrs, Blessed, and Beautified souls that have walked before us always. Gospel of Luke For […]
Troparion 4 Holy Raphael, Archangel at the throne God, Holy Physician and healer of All, pray for us in our earthly struggles, Bless us with your healing light, this, and all of our days. Reading from the Book of Tobit Then Tobit said to him, ‘Brother, of what family […]
Troparion 4 Holy Raphael, Archangel at the throne God, Holy Physician and healer of All, pray for us in our earthly struggles, Bless us with your healing light, this, and all of our days. Reading from the Book of Tobit Then Tobit said to him, ‘Brother, of what family […]