O Father of Lights, The Master, Savior, and Illuminator of our souls, Jesus Christ, the Son, and the All-Holy Spirit, Amen
We offer up this prayer, to You, and to your anointed child, on this, the One Hundred and Seventieth Anniversary of the Birth of His Majesty, Omukama Chwa II Kabalega, The Hero King of Bunyoro-Kitara. May Your blessings rain down on his beloved people, even as You embrace him in the Mansions of Light of Your Heavenly Kingdom.
O Lion of Bunyoro! The Lord chose you as His anointed servant to be the preserver of the thrice-blessed domain of your ancestors and to judge your people with mercy, wisdom and justice.
An unparalleled steadfastness and devotion, you set forth to accomplish your Royal Ministry and show benevolent care for your beloved subjects. And testing you, like fine gold in a crucible, the Father of Lights permitted bitter tribulations to assail you, as with Job, the long-suffering, and afterward He sent upon you exile and a martyr’s death at the threshold of your beloved Kingdom.
And all these did you courageously endure, as a true and Royal servant of the Divine, and you do now delight in the glory which is on high at the throne of the King of All,
But as you showed great boldness before your adversaries, before your subjects, for whose sake you suffered and before the Divine Throne, whose ministry you carried out, pray, we beseech you, that the Father of Lights, with the Sun of Righteousness and the All-Holy Spirit, deliver the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara from the illness of poverty and any deprivation, and grant that we, the earthly servants of your Royal descendants, be granted, through the All-Holy Spirit, a remission of sins, an instruction in all virtues, compassion, and forthrightness, that we may be found worthy to assist the Royal Household in continuing the ministry you led, so that we may be accounted worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom, wherewith you and those who stood beside you, we may glorify the Father of Lights, The Master, Savior, and Illuminator of our souls, Jesus Christ, the Son, and the All-Holy Spirit, now and forever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Your Unworthy Servant,
+Cherubim Abu-Seifein Akiiki, Office of the Abuna, Catholicos, and Patriarch